Meltdowns and Tantrums
The individual explodes with anger. Is it a tantrum? —Just trying to get what he or she wants. Is it a meltdown? —An uncontrollable response usually caused by anxiety. They look the same. But are they the same? Is it an acting out behavior designed to get something or get out of something? Or do they have different purposes — different functions?
Learn this and more when you take the online "Managing theCycle of Meltdowns" instructional course. 12 lessons that cover the basics about meltdowns and tantrums, the 6-phase meltdown cycle, long-term interventions any more! This online course is currently available.
But wait!
You can help me refine this course by signing up for the interactive live presentation coming in February. To learn more about this unique opportunity, join the wait list on the next page. And there is an added bonus. It will be available just this once at a reduced price.
Click here to go to the managing the cycle of meltdowns waitlist page.