Stuart Shanker's Self-Regulation Approach

Self-Regulation is the ability to:
  1. Match one's level of energy to the demands of the situation
  2. Monitor, evaluate, and modify one's emotions
  3. Sustain and shift's one's attention
  4. Ignore distractions
So as to achieve positive goals like maintaining relationships and healthy well being.
Self-regulations is different from self-control
  • Self-controlis about trying to inhibit impulses
  • Self-regulations about being able to deal effectively with stressors
Self-regulation is what makes self-control possible.

The Five Aspects of Self-Regulation

The ability to self-regulate is a result of a combination of these five domains:
  1. Biology (Temperament)
  2. Emotion-regulation
  3. Cognitive factors
    • sustained attention
    • not easily distracted
    • able to switch attention between tasks
    • inhibit impulses
    • deal with frustrations and delays
  4. Social: able to develop and use socially-desirable behaviors
  5. Moral: the development of empathy and values.

The Self-Reg Approach

The Self-Reg approach is an ongoing lifelong process of enhancing self-regulation by understanding stress and managing energy and tension.
This is accomplished by:
  1. Reframe the behavior
  2. Recognize the stressors across the five domains
  3. Reduce the stress
  4. Reflect and enhance stress awareness
  5. Respond in ways that support restoration and resilience.